domingo, 4 de marzo de 2018


Welcome to the blog where you will learn the history of immigration in the United States. This blog is related to the subject Culture and Society II in which we get to know everything regarding the United States as the social, economic and political contexts over the centuries.

The objectives we want to achieve with this blog are:

  • Get to have a perspective of the migratory movements to the USA.
  • Become aware of the new measures being taken by Donald Trump regarding immigration.
  • Get to know the DREAMers and their history.
  • How this occurrence has affected the USA.
  • The causes of migrations to this country.

The historical roots of the United States can not be explained without immigration. Since its independence at the end of the 18th century, the country has experienced several migratory waves that will be explained along the first entries.

                    1. First Wave (1790 – 1820)
                    2. Second Wave (1820 – 1860)
                    3. Third Wave (1880 – 1914)
                    4. Fourth Wave (1965 – Present)

To start, here we leave this video that represents an interactive map designed by Max Galka, of Metroscom, in which we can see immigration process to the US since 1820 to 2013. The map illuminates the countries that, at one point, provided more immigrants to the United States. People who left their country of origin to go to the other side of the world are represented in small colored dots (each dot is 10,000 people, approximately).

 Until our first entry!! We hope to see you here!!

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

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The end of our blog...

Sadly, we have reached the end of our blog. We hope that this meeting with the development of immigration in the United States has interest...