domingo, 6 de mayo de 2018

2017: Donald Trump and Immigration

In this post we will talk about the arrival of Donald Trump to the presidency and the relationship with immigration.

Who is Donald Trump?

Before being president of the United States, Donald Trump was known because he was a politician, a businessman and a celebrity.

When Donald Trump arrived to the power the 20th of January 2017 he decided to create new immigration policies in order to increase economic nationalism. Trump created a program called “Put America First” because he wanted to protect American workers and industries.

Resultado de imagen de donald trump and immigration

On January 26, 2018 he realised an immigration plan which had not got much success. District Court in San Francisco decided to protect the “Dreamers”. Dreamers who were chosen by DACA could not be deported if the matter was not solved in court. The judgement did not accept Trump measures and finally DACA was not eliminated.

Nowadays DACA offers a two years postponement for those eligible immigrants. Eligible people must be under 31 years old and they have to be illegally brought to EEUU when they were children.

If we talk about the “Travel Ban” we have to say that Donald Trump imposed travel restrictions from eight different countries (Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen). All these restrictions are composed by bans of immigrant, business and tourist visas. Each country has a different restriction, all depends on countries security measures. On March 6, 2017 visas were prohibited for citizens from Syria, Iran Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.

Trump also imposed measures against refugees. His administration allowed the entry of them, excluding eleven countries because it was supposed that these eleven countries could danger the security of the United States of America. He reduced to halve the number of refugees, accepting only 50 000 of them per year. Finally, in 2017, the State Department decided to increase this number to 70 000.

We have been appreciating that the President has imposed a lot of measures against refugees and immigrants, but we are sure that the measure that has been most talked has been “the wall in the frontier with Mexico”. This wall has been strongly criticize and nowadays is still being criticised. 

Trump promised a wall in the frontier with Mexico and he tried to obligate Mexico to pay for it. Without a doubt, Mexico refused the paying and Trump asked the congress for money. There are many republicans against the wall. Those who are from California, New Mexico and Texas face the biggest consequences. One part thinks that the wall will not work without more security forces and the other part is worried about the impact on the environment.

Resultado de imagen de donald trump Mexico wall

H-1B Visa program was one of the others measures imposed by Trump. He tried that only the highly- paid immigrants will receive the new visa. 

To sum up, all of these immigration measures have being been very tough for refugees and immigrants. That is why Donald Trump is considered one of the most racist, narcissistic, manipulative, authoritarian and arrogant people.

What are your opinions about Donald Trump? Do you think he will be re-elected president?

Information from

Amadeo, K. Donald Trump on Immigration: How It Affects the Economy and You. Online:

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